Earlier this month, the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee approved a budget for fiscal year 2012. This budget would determine the federal government’s contribution to surface transportation programs over the next year, including highways, public transit, bicycle trails, and safety programs.
If passed, this budget would effectively end the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail program by providing zero dollars for it, and it would halt Amtrak’s state-sponsored rail corridors in 15 states, which account for over one-third of Amtrak’s ridership.
Please contact your Representative, Senators, and President Obama, and tell them to fight this devastating budget proposal that would reverse decades of progress on vital passenger rail corridors all over the country. Visit www.StandUpForTrains.org today to send a message to your representatives that you want a stronger national passenger rail system.
A map of Amtrak routes supported by states
View full version (America2050.org)
Tags: America 2050, Amtrak, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee, HSR